Jungle's Law

Animals are totally crazy... That has been confirmed many times by my numerous (too numerous?) viewings of animal documentaries and it appears to me today as an obvious fact which doesn't need to be debated.

Plants are ok... They are generally quiet... One has time to guess what they are after... They can be pushy but they rarely lay into somebody without prior warning. Overall, they aren't that annoying.

But beasts...honestly ... They are nuts, worrying, weird, dangerous, mean, impolite, badly tempered, dirty, of bad faith, lying most of the time... I mean, I don't think I could have enough words to name and shame their base acts.

Of course, I can already hear you saying: "well... what about all the videos of nice little cute and adorable kittens on Youtube, huh ? What about the kittens?" I answer that kittens are the trees hiding the gentle forest. Just imagine a ferocious rain forest without wild animals and you'll be totally convinced! Yes! That would be pure Heaven.

Actually, beasts abide only to one law... the law of the jungle - a world where sheep eat sheep. If you don't believe me, then just read the pages of this comic.

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The Pests

Jungle's Law - 35

While we're talking about it, here is an idea of a prank for April fool day.  So, you decide one day to create a comics. You decide to publish best pages on a site like Deviantart. Then you decide to post a special page on the 1st of April talking about April fool day. And then (this is at that point it starts to be hilarious) you miss the deadline !!!! Ah Ah  Ah !! And finally, you post the whole thing on (I'm laughing so much I can't write) the 15th of june !! Ah Ah Ah Ah